Profissão Perrengue
To show how English is a fundamental part of our daily lives, in the 2018 Cultura Inglesa Regular Courses campaign, we created a character inspired by icons from the 80s and 90s who can solve any problem. But does our hero truly overcome any challenge? How far does this man go?
→ with
CD: Filipe Matiazi.
AD: Maicon Gomes.
CW: Ana Dams, André Prestes.
PROD: Fantástica Filmes.
CD: Filipe Matiazi.
AD: Maicon Gomes.
CW: Ana Dams, André Prestes.
PROD: Fantástica Filmes.
→ at Mirum Agency
We also produced some spots that challenged people to understand the context of certain English texts.